Hey its 2009

January 6, 2009 at 1:04 am (Funny, Life, Misc, news)

…and I’m still alive.

What’s with the break in posts? I decided to take a break from the internet in general

Reminds me of what life was like before the internet : totally boring,

A lot has happened since then :

Gizelle Salandy, a Trinidadian world renowned, record-holding boxer died in a car crash on Sunday. I’m really sorry to hear about this. I hope her family copes well with her loss and Gizelle rests in peace.

Israel and the mainstream media are up to their nasty schemes again, with the ground invasion of the Gaza strip which has been displayed as everything but perhaps a dinner amongst the elves and Santa Clause. The “right for Israel to defend itself” has once again superceded international law and common sense.

I became a fan of the Phillip DeFranco show on YouTube. I used to think YouTube is the dumping yard for all things stupid, explored by the idle, or its just a stupid self-proclaimed “alternative to TV”, but I know better now. Even in a junkyard you can find something useful….somewhere. That would be “sxephil” or DeFranco. He basically does the same thing as me, but through videos, and more disciplined, and very funny. I identify and agree with 95% of the things he complains/talks about. Check out his latest video here.

I gained weight. Yeah I think the national eat feast we call Christmas is stupid, but its difficult to escape it when you’re with family.

I got a new cellphone. The SE W380a. I like it, but it could have been better i.e classic Sony-Ericsson style. They get you excited with cool features, then by the next day when you’re playing around with the phone you realize it kinda sucks. They should therefore call all models of their phones the “Girlfriend”.

That’s about it.

I think I’m going to start a whole new blog dedicated to the “real” Trinidad and Tobago.

An article in a local newspaper said that the government will be executing a number of look-good initiatives for the Summit of the Americas which will be held in a few months. One of these plans BODY SNATCHING homeless people and putting them into an asylum. I’m feeling for Chow Mein now because that shit sounds Chinese.

Anyway, till the next time, Happy New Year.

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Trinidad Flooded

November 19, 2008 at 7:04 am (Life, news, Stupidity, Trinidad) ()

I don’t even want to go into details of what happened earlier today, because it just depresses and angers me, but in summary there was normal rainfall for a few hours in Trinidad, then all of the sudden shit just started happening

That’s right a bridge collapsed and a woman got killed by a landslide.

What happened today wasn’t a tropical wave, tropical depression, tropical storm or, God forbid a hurricane….it was just rain, for a few hours, intermittently…and the result is a natural, national disaster.

Obviously a collection of government institutions have failed us all once again as this happens all the time. The response from the public is always “Hmph”. But what took my sanity away today was hearing people repeat this retarded mantra that “we”, the citizens, are responsible for the flooding because we “throw litter in the drains”.

At that then moment I think I made up my mind that I will migrating. “WE” are responsible for this? Not the Ministries and regional corporations and garbage collectors and Ministers and MPs…..”WE” caused the flood. I’m not even going to go into how monumentally stupid that thought is, it would give me a headache. I guess some people really do deserve the government they have.

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President Barack Obama

November 5, 2008 at 4:34 am (Holy Shit, Life, news, Obama, Politics) (, )

Wow. I’m watching John McCain giving his concession speech now. I really feel sorry for him. Not only did he lose…….he got pwned. Right now its 333-156 in electoral votes. Wow. Well I guess the fun begins. When the “omg an African American is president” high wears off, we’ll see how it plays out. Congrats to him, my consolations to John McCain and Hillary Clinton (unless she gets a cabinet job).

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Final Thoughts on US Election – Barack Obama and John McCain

November 4, 2008 at 4:37 am (Life, Politics) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )

In 15 minutes from the start of me posting this, November 4th will have arrived, and Americans will go to the polls to choose a president between either John McCain or Barack Obama. I do not support neither of them.

John McCain has run one of the most pathetic, transparently-fake campaigns I’ve ever seen. His policies are made up of the traditional Republican garbage : war, bravado, pander to the rich, no abortion, pander to the Jews (repeatedly saying he won’t “allow another Holocaust” in an interview with O’Reilly), race-baiting, fear-mongering, cast guilt by association, numerous desperate moves, etc. Not to mention he’s been beating the “I’ve been a POW and fought in Vietnam” thing to death in this life, its afterlife and in an alternate universe. He’s just sad and boring. Not to mention his clear-as-day reverse-sexist move of adding some random woman from Alaska as his running mate. McCain and the GOP can say what they want about Palin being a reformer, experienced, etc….the truth is that McCain simply picked Palin to attact disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters, nothing more, nothing less, and the simplicity of that move was enough to completely turn me off from his ticket since then. So for me, I would not vote for him.

Barack Obama on the other hand is full of shit, a total conman. His “change you can believe in” is nothing but pretty words and stupid policies. Tax the rich, handouts to the poor, wow is this Robin Hood? The Rev. Wright thing should have been his end. His healthcare plan is bullshit, and proves how ignorant he is because obviously Hillary Clinton’s Universal health plan is better for everyone, but he refuses to replace his plan with hers. He also refused to even vet her as a VP candidate…the person who got more votes than him in the primary stages of the nomination race. The only reason he’s politically alive right now and not in the ranks of someone like Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul is because people are still mesmerized (after 4 years) by the fact that he’s Black and carries himself confidently like all the established White politicians that we know of (Kennedy, Reagan, etc) and gives good speeches. Maybe its because he frequently borrows entire paragraphs from their greatest speeches. As Clinton herself said, that’s not change we can believe in, that’s change you can Xerox. His associations with Wright, etc are frightening, but I refuse to believe he’s some kinda terrorist, radical, racist madman as Sean Hannity would want us to believe…he’s just a user. He used Wright to establish himself in the black community in Chicago, he may have used Khalid Al-Mansour to help him pay for college, he used ACORN to make himself appear as a champion of the working class, just like he used (and later discarded) Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, to get a crash course on national security. Ofcourse we don’t hear much about that because ole Zbigniew isn’t Black or crazy like his other associations, but thats what I think he is, a user, which obviously isn’t as frightening, but a cause for concern regardless. In summary, his character is questionable, with a ton of unanswered questions, his policies are shit, his record is shit, why vote for him? Because he has a cute smile and could make a good narrator or motivational speaker?

The media will have you believe that this race is all over, but I beg to differ. The whole world is in for a rude awakening. If you add the margin of error with the undecided votes, not to mention factoring in that nasty Bradley effect, Obama will LOSE most or all of the toss-up states. A 51%-40% national poll doesn’t mean shit.

We can only wait and see I guess. Either way the end result is either :

4 years of McCain, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews gets slapped in the face. MSNBC will probably air a marathon of “Lockup” on November 5th because none of their “reporters” AKA Obama operatives would be able to face the screen to say a damn fucking thing other than cry their eyes out. Palin as comic relief here and there for 4 years, with Hillary Clinton contesting and winning for the nomination in 2012.


4-8 years of Obama, with MSNBC being the new FOX News during the Bush years, with PALIN contesting, maybe winning, and maybe WINNING THE PRESIDENCY in 2012 because Obama fucked up, plausibly due to his inexperience in running anything. The end of the world.


4-8 years of Obama. Real change we can believe in. Roses and butterflies wherever you walk. Eternal joy and happiness.

I seriously prefer scenario 1. Lets see what happens.

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Bill Maher is a Bigotist Asshole

October 27, 2008 at 5:10 am (Celebrities, Entertainment, Life, Rants) (, , , , , , , )

Bill Maher is a smart, very funny comedian. I’m been a fan of his show “Real Time with Bill Maher” since 2003 and I watched all of his standups…but he’ a bigotist asshole, and its really starting to get to me. His movie Religulous, seeks to poke fun at not just Christianity, but religion as a whole. I haven’t had the opportunity of seeing it yet, but I can predict what it will be full of, seeing that he has always had this attitude of being condescending to all who aren’t atheist like him. It seems as if he aims to throw small punches at religion in all of his shows, interviews and appearances : mocking people who believe in angels, calling praying “talking to an imaginary friend”, generalizing all religious people as stupid because he came across a few religious people that apparently are, etc.

Why does he do this? I am a Christian, I went to church today but I am not a frequent Church-goer, nor a 100% believer in 100% complete adherance to every literal word the Bible says, nor the great defender of the Christian faith, as I know there are some things about it, as with all things in life, that should be taken with a few pinchs of salt, so I’m a lot liberal than most Christians, but even I have a problem with Maher.

It seems as if he really does have deep psychological issues that makes him so adamant against religion. If you’re an atheist, and misguided as you are, then fine, believe that, keep it to yourself and stop mocking people’s beliefs. Stop the unfair generalizations of an entire following of people just because you met a few ignorant of them who follow the words of the Bible without question and can’t answer your bullshit pseudo-intellectual questions….just because you can. Don’t you realize whenever you make jokes poking fun at religion 90% of the Friday nights that you do, you don’t get that much laughs? Nobody thinks its that funny, not even Liberals and Libertarians. Stop trying to be George Carlin. Only he can pull it off and be funny..and even with him it was mildy unnerving.

He goes so far as to say that religion isn’t just stupid but its also bad. Only thing bad is his shitty-ass, deceptive movie :

“I wonder whether we’ll hear about other examples of deceptive editing besides this one and the misleading John Adams quote I mentioned earlier. Religulous is a comedy based on making believers look foolish. Yet while he attacks the intellectual dishonesty of religion, his movie seems to be chock full of it.”

“He declared the God of the Old Testament “barbaric” for ordering the Israelites to kill every man, woman, and child during their conquest of Palestine. Now, you and I know there are biblically sound, intellectually satisfying answers to these questions. But people like Bill Maher aren’t really looking for answers, they’re looking for opportunities to ridicule God’s Word and everyone who believes in it. He had no interest in listening to anything I had to say.

(See full details of the total failure and deception of Maher and his movie at Tektronics.org)

But wow. Religion is bad? He obviously has had the joy and pleasure of living a very trouble-free, non-crisis afflicted, happy go lucky little stupid life. Evidently, because he gets paid a lot just to tell stupid jokes and aggravate people. Try telling patients at a hosptial with only months to live with a Bible, Koran, or whatever holy book of their religion next to them that religion is stupid. Religion gives people hope, inspiration, comfort, strength and solace, common in all denominations of theist faith and others. Why go so out of your way to mock it?

What a sad fool. Its so stupid and pathetic to me to see him consistently depict to the world that he is an ignorant asshole that is more guilty of what he accuses religious people of, being irrational and stupid.

“Some audience members at early screenings of “Religulous” have protested that the film focuses on irrational believers. “That’s not true,” Maher said. “Everybody we talked to was reasonable. They’re normally functioning people. “But if you’re religious, it means you believe in some crazy stuff. And at that point you don’t look reasonable. People think we sought out crazy people and ignored this mythical rational religious person.”


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Typical UWI Student

October 15, 2008 at 3:10 am (Funny, Life, Trinidad) (, , , , , , , , )

This is already online as it was sent in to 2 major local newspapers, the Newsday and the Trinidad Guardian and both published it today, October 14th. I however felt the urge to scan it as further solid proof of the legendary stupidity of UWI students. Please, for a good laugh, check out the letter below that this girl (who also included her name!!) submitted as some sort of appeal to get back her very expensive Samsonite bag which she nonchalantly left outside of the UWI library.
Typical UWI student
Typical UWI student
The history of the “bag outside of the library” thing is interesting. Years ago before Bhoe Tewarie was principal and the university did not function as a free-for-all accept anyone money factory, people put their bags outside of the library when they were just too lazy to go walk back to their locker…or because they didn’t have a locker seeing that they were always scarce. Incidents where people got their bags stolen outside of the library began almost instantly with Tewarie’s 15,000+ a year student intake (amounts to a 300-400% increase) and smart people began to not carry their bags inside. Noob freshers come in every year and see the few slack final-year students like myself who may be lazy on a particular day and leave their bags outside…and think that’s some sort of “in” thing and do it to death.
On my last visit to UWI, there were about 60 bookbags all just thrown outside of library, with their owners inside. Despite the numerous incidents of people losing their bags from this stupid practice,  despite the  flyers stuck across campus with people begging to have their bags returned after they themself engaged in this stupid practice, despite the new signs posted clearly outside of the library advising students to not leave their bags there as UWI has more lockers…..people continue to leave their bags outside of the library. Its gotten so bad the girl’s bag was gone in 15 minutes.
The audacity and sheer stupidity of her to then publicly identify herself as yet another person to throw their personal belongings in front of a public place, leave it unattended, and expect to get it back intact when you’re done checking your facebook friend requests in the lab inside. Why don’t I throw my wallet in front of the mall before going in to prevent me from spending too much money, go in, eat, watch a movie and come back and seek to find it???
And listen to her amazing description, as if her audience wasn’t already lost or rolling on the floor laughing at the first sight of “UWI…student….leaves…bag…outside…library….bag gone” :

The right strap is starting to wear out and there may be one or two pen marks on the
interior. It has seven pockets, including a sleeve in the main compartment that could fit a laptop. I had it in a black woolen sweater; two notebooks, one light blue thick hardcover Scholar with various course handouts inside, the other, a bright pink ringed John Dickenson for scrap work; a paperback novel..LG phone charger…bottle of tylenol….There were also some sweetie wrappers, flyers and two bright pink buttons in what should be the right-hand side pocket..

Holy shit. She even remembered she had candy wrappers and the colour AND NUMBER of buttons that were in the “right-hand side pocket” of the bag.

With memory like that, why can’t she remember the numerous incidents where this already happened, and NOT BE ANOTHER STATISTIC?

Stupid, naive and misplaced indignation sums up the entire affair. Typical UWI student.

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End of the World?

September 30, 2008 at 5:24 am (Life, Misc, news, Politics, Stress) (, , , )

-778 points down on the Dow..

Worldwide all you can see is red on the stock markets….later today its going to get worse…I wish I had a million dollars right now because I would be able to multiply that at an astonishing rate within some months. As bad as it is now, it’s going to get better eventually. All we have to do now is take the risk and buy cheap, and wait it out. You can’t be in a boom forever.

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Finals are Over

May 10, 2008 at 7:01 am (Life, Stress, university, UWI) (, , , , , , , , , )

Yes. Finals are over. 90 Level II and Level III credits have been satisfied. No more group projects, mid-terms or final exams. After 20+ years, I’m finally completely done with school. I say this because anything postgrad I imagine would not be as bad, more complex, but certainly not subject to the rigors of undergraduate life. The gap is so wide that postgrad students usually teach undergrads.

What now? Well, I plan to do like the elderly at Retirement homes. My first impression of retirement homes was “Wow, why do they send their parents there? And What do they do? Just sit around and wait to die?”. Depressing, but in actuality thats what it is. So far I’ve planned to laze around and watch out the rest of  La Femme Nikita Seasons 2 and 3. In a way that can be classified as waiting to die as well, both literally and figuratively, as I still believe university life is one of its own that I am about to lose or lost already, and I’ve heard the saying that scientifically once you start living you start dying.

Oh well. Fact of the matter is, my exams are over. A massive weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Call me crazy but I can see colours brighter and I literally just feel better. Its amazing what stress can do to you. The feeling of relief, exhaustion, accomplishment and happiness is indeed a great one.


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Winston ‘Gypsy’ Peters is an Idiot

April 18, 2008 at 5:00 pm (Funny, Life, Politics, Rants, Trinidad) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

And a ghetto fabulous, embarrassing-ass one at that too. Handkerchiefs have been used for centuries, said to have been invented by Richard II of England. When used as an accessory to a suit, a handkerchief is known as a pocket square. Wikipedia lists several ways in which a pocket square can be folded :

  • The Presidential is folded at right angles to fit in the pocket.
  • The TV Fold is folded diagonally with the point inside the pocket.
  • The One-point Fold is folded diagonally with the point showing.
  • The Two-point Fold is folded off-center so the two points don’t completely overlap.
  • The Three-point Fold is first folded into a triangle, then the corners are folded up and across to make three points.
  • The Four-point Fold is an off-center version of the Three-point Fold.
  • The Cagney is basically a backwards version of the Four-point Fold.
  • The Puff or the Cooper is simply shaped into a round puff.
  • The Reverse Puff is like the Puff, except with the puff inside and the points out, like petals.
  • The Astaire is a puff with a point on either side.
  • The Straight Shell is pleated and then folded over to give the appearance of nested shells.
  • The Diagonal Shell is pleated diagonally and then folded.

And here are some pictures of the pocket square in action :

Pocket Square

proper pocket square


However, what the fuck is this?

Winston \'Gypsy\' Peters in Parliament

That’s NO pocket square people. That is in fact, a TIE HANGING OUT OF MR. PETERS’ POCKET. And not just any tie, its identical to the one he’s wearing with his shirt! Yes, its not just an embarrassingly, ignorant, fashion disaster choice, he’s color-coordinating it! A grown man, a MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT in the Lower House of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago thinks its fucking proper to hang a tie out of his pocket! Either that or he foolishly thought that the people he saw with fabric hanging out of their pockets (pocket squares) were hanging ties out of their pockets too!

And it gets worse!

Bling bling????

From this pic its seen that MP Peters is wearing an earring!! What the fuck???? Isn’t that like, disrespectful or something? What’s next platinum teeth?? I wear an earring too everyday but I’m sure if I were elected to Parliament I would have to stop wearing it then….or atleast not begin wearing one, uber-ignorantly thinking it constitutes proper attire.
How esteemed. From this pic we can also see the TIE HANGING OUT a little more.

Another pic from my TV on the Parliament channel which identifies this disgrace (Mr. Winston Peters, MP – Member for Mayaro)  that ridiculed the House of Representatives on that day.

What a joke. What clowns these people are. Would a US Senator or a UK MP come to a sitting looking anything remotely like that jackass???

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Why is Everything in Trinidad Suddenly So Depressing?

April 5, 2008 at 5:32 am (Funny, Life, Misc, Politics, Rants, Stress, Trinidad) (, , )

I usually don’t like to read or link to the Trinidad Express because of its poorly designed website, but this was interesting, or rather, depressing. These are the stories for today, Saturday 5th April 2008 :

“A Routine Affair” – Minister of Consumer Affairs on looting
Apparently on Thursday two truck drivers got robbed on the Beetham Highway and their cargo of groceries (juice, milk and flour) was stolen.  When asked to comment, the Minister of Consumer Affairs said in essence, “wtf, dudes get robbed there all the time, what’s the big deal?”. This may be somewhat true, in a  in terms of the random times people inadvertently stop anywhere close to Beetham Gardens (the ghetto), but should he be saying that? Especially since I can’t remember from any of those incidents any trucks with groceries being robbed before? Are we really at this stage now? That the govt can tell us “walk it off” when certain crimes are committed?

“Issue not about laptops”, says Panday
The fucking jackass of a wish-he-was-a-revolutionary, red-beret-wearing, foolish, crazy opposition leader of the UNC by the name of Basdeo Panday is still talking about his “wrongful ejection” from the Parliament because he so innocently in the middle of a sitting whipped out a laptop and began doing who knows what on it. MPs or Ministers using laptops while in Parliament is a contentious issue, but the fact of the matter is laptops aren’t allowed in Trinidad’s Parliament. Why then is this idiot all over the news making a spectacle of himself, throwing fucking ridiculous red herrings about a “conspiracy” between the ruling party and the Speaker of the House when all he had to do was to abide by the rules, close the laptop and STFU? Should I come into an exam with a laptop, for some sort of ridiculous reason, and attempt to…omg the stupidity of these assholes…SUE THE UNIVERSITY (SPEAKER) when i’m kicked out?? Yet thousands of people in Couva vote for this man. Downright disgusting.

Rioting prisoners hurl faeces
I shit you not…

And then the combo of :

Trini Soldier Gets Killed in Iraq..
Double Road Fataility..
Guy Dies While Watching Cricket..
A Soldier Lets Off a Stun Grenade in PoS..
More Price Increases..

 Wow. So death, inflation, explosions, govt nonchalance to crime, and hurling shit. Those are the stories of the day. Should the newspapers be renamed to “Migrate to Another Country…Because :”.

Its really sad. For months I’ve abstained from watching the local news because i was fedup of hearing about murders, but now i’m forced to to know if I should walk with a $10 bill or my Debit Card to purchase common groceries at the supermarket..



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