Finals are Over

May 10, 2008 at 7:01 am (Life, Stress, university, UWI) (, , , , , , , , , )

Yes. Finals are over. 90 Level II and Level III credits have been satisfied. No more group projects, mid-terms or final exams. After 20+ years, I’m finally completely done with school. I say this because anything postgrad I imagine would not be as bad, more complex, but certainly not subject to the rigors of undergraduate life. The gap is so wide that postgrad students usually teach undergrads.

What now? Well, I plan to do like the elderly at Retirement homes. My first impression of retirement homes was “Wow, why do they send their parents there? And What do they do? Just sit around and wait to die?”. Depressing, but in actuality thats what it is. So far I’ve planned to laze around and watch out the rest of  La Femme Nikita Seasons 2 and 3. In a way that can be classified as waiting to die as well, both literally and figuratively, as I still believe university life is one of its own that I am about to lose or lost already, and I’ve heard the saying that scientifically once you start living you start dying.

Oh well. Fact of the matter is, my exams are over. A massive weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Call me crazy but I can see colours brighter and I literally just feel better. Its amazing what stress can do to you. The feeling of relief, exhaustion, accomplishment and happiness is indeed a great one.


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Why is Everything in Trinidad Suddenly So Depressing?

April 5, 2008 at 5:32 am (Funny, Life, Misc, Politics, Rants, Stress, Trinidad) (, , )

I usually don’t like to read or link to the Trinidad Express because of its poorly designed website, but this was interesting, or rather, depressing. These are the stories for today, Saturday 5th April 2008 :

“A Routine Affair” – Minister of Consumer Affairs on looting
Apparently on Thursday two truck drivers got robbed on the Beetham Highway and their cargo of groceries (juice, milk and flour) was stolen.  When asked to comment, the Minister of Consumer Affairs said in essence, “wtf, dudes get robbed there all the time, what’s the big deal?”. This may be somewhat true, in a  in terms of the random times people inadvertently stop anywhere close to Beetham Gardens (the ghetto), but should he be saying that? Especially since I can’t remember from any of those incidents any trucks with groceries being robbed before? Are we really at this stage now? That the govt can tell us “walk it off” when certain crimes are committed?

“Issue not about laptops”, says Panday
The fucking jackass of a wish-he-was-a-revolutionary, red-beret-wearing, foolish, crazy opposition leader of the UNC by the name of Basdeo Panday is still talking about his “wrongful ejection” from the Parliament because he so innocently in the middle of a sitting whipped out a laptop and began doing who knows what on it. MPs or Ministers using laptops while in Parliament is a contentious issue, but the fact of the matter is laptops aren’t allowed in Trinidad’s Parliament. Why then is this idiot all over the news making a spectacle of himself, throwing fucking ridiculous red herrings about a “conspiracy” between the ruling party and the Speaker of the House when all he had to do was to abide by the rules, close the laptop and STFU? Should I come into an exam with a laptop, for some sort of ridiculous reason, and attempt to…omg the stupidity of these assholes…SUE THE UNIVERSITY (SPEAKER) when i’m kicked out?? Yet thousands of people in Couva vote for this man. Downright disgusting.

Rioting prisoners hurl faeces
I shit you not…

And then the combo of :

Trini Soldier Gets Killed in Iraq..
Double Road Fataility..
Guy Dies While Watching Cricket..
A Soldier Lets Off a Stun Grenade in PoS..
More Price Increases..

 Wow. So death, inflation, explosions, govt nonchalance to crime, and hurling shit. Those are the stories of the day. Should the newspapers be renamed to “Migrate to Another Country…Because :”.

Its really sad. For months I’ve abstained from watching the local news because i was fedup of hearing about murders, but now i’m forced to to know if I should walk with a $10 bill or my Debit Card to purchase common groceries at the supermarket..



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