UWI is F^%$ Retarded

February 27, 2009 at 8:42 pm (Rants, Stress, Stupidity, Technology, Trinidad) ()

Seriously, the University of the West Indies is full of shit.

Bored today I thought I’d throw in an application for a Master’s degree at UWI. The deadline is tomorrow. I don’t know what will happen between now and September, the start of the new academic year, I may change my mind, but I think its better to apply now to at least qualify, as changing your mind does not require an application.

I knew beforehand that the application as claimed by UWI is online-based, so no worries. They state this here :

Please note that The University of the West Indies has moved to ON-LINE APPLICATIONS and you will therefore be required to visit our website at http://www.sta.uwi.edu/postgrad where information on all programmes to be offered for the upcoming academic year and instructions on “How to Apply” are available.

Let me pause for a minute and share the Wikipedia definition of “online”.

Online – Describes a system which is connected (generally electrically) to a larger network; Available over the internet; Available on a computer system, even if not networked.

However upon completing the application form, I’m being told that I must send my referees a form which they must print out, complete, sign, put in a sealed envelope, which I must then collect, and bundle that along with other hard copy documents including a printout of the completed application form to be submitted by post or by hand to UWI

In other words UWI is fucking retarded. The application process is NOT ONLINE. Its like saying let me give you this book for free, but excuse me while I hold your wallet and take $5 out of it for no particular fucking reason. Needless to say I’m not making the deadline, and can only hope its accepted by next week. Assholes.

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Crime, Trinidad & Tobago and Carnival

February 26, 2009 at 3:19 am (news, Trinidad) (, , , )

I opted out of the Carnival celebrations this year. I’m fedup of Carnival.

With what’s going on in the world right now the whole idea of Carnival is just stupid. $500US for a fuckin bikini to jump around Port-of-Spain all fucking day and make a spectacle of yourself primarily for those back at the office and to keep up with the Jones’.

Ofcourse there are nice girls around in those bikinis, but does that matter if you’re not single?

You can actually really have fun just jumping around, but given the current crime rate, will you risk your life to do so?

I won’t, so I went to Tobago.

What a surreal start to that.

I only started planning like early February so ofcourse everywhere except maybe a garbage bin in a public toilet was completely, receptionist-laughing-on-the-phone-at-you, booked to capacity with waiting list systems that I would be at the bottom of. I got lucky one day as I found an ad for Summerland Suites in the local newspapers. Called, spoke to a nice German-sounding lady named Claudia, succeeded in booking, saw its a nice place from its website, took the plane, and landed in Tobago on Friday 20th February ready to chillax. Called Claudia, no answer. Called the other 3 numbers for Summerland, no answer. No worries, I figured that it was early and they probably weren’t up or something. So I took a taxi to the hotel right away.

When I arrived the grim news mercilessly struck me. Ms. Claudia Feldmeier, who I arranged reservations with, was murdered the night before I arrived in Tobago. Sad, stunned and shocked, I managed to get a room at another nearby hotel, which actually turned out to be better than Summerland Suites in my opinion.

I’m so sorry that this had to happen to Ms. Feldmeier. I hope she is at rest and her family is doing well. The first thing that came to mind is if only I could have told her something on the phone so that such a terrible thing may have been prevented.

The aftermath however is classic. Tobago police held a South African man who has been assisting them in their investigations. 2 days ago his lawyers came in from overseas, and the latest is yesterday he has been released. The murder weapon was recovered, but that’s about it. The police are now looking for a man believed to be have been seen fleeing the scene of the crime.

Here is his description according to Tobago police (public should be aware) :


Slim build male

Wow he doesn’t stand a chance now. Some solid police intelligence there. Matter of fact according to that description I’m a suspect.

This crime thing is getting scary now, and the police are getting stupider and more incompetent by the second. The story of this murder is already making waves, Tobago is now even being declared “no longer safe” for foreigners anymore.

I can only hope they catch this piece of shit soon and see that he receives swift justice. If they don’t, I expected that, they’re archaic, shitheads anyway, if they do, cool, but they’re still archaic, shitheads.

On the bright side, Tobago was beautiful. If only there were more jobs there I’d love to move over.

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Billionaire Stanford on the Run

February 19, 2009 at 5:39 pm (Celebrities, news) ()


In a surreal turn of events, Sir Allen Stanford, the billionaire from Houston who resides in the Caribbean, sponsor of..I’ve lost count, of how many multi-million dollar Cricket tournaments here in the Caribbean as well……pulled a Bernie Madoff and is now missing in action.

“On February 17, 2009, Stanford was charged by the SEC with fraud and multiple violations of U.S. securities laws for alleged “massive ongoing fraud” involving $8 billion in certificates of deposits.Despite the raid of three of Stanford’s offices in Houston, Memphis, and Tupelo, Mississippi, authorities have not located Stanford.”

Turns out Stanford enticed investors to put money towards a totally fictitious, “high-return Certificate of Deposit that is safer than the stock market”.

I can’t figure out why he would do something as crazy as that for a guy that is a billionaire, and taking advantage of people’s fear of the stock market too. Its like Peter North being charged for rape…”dude, your job is to have sex, why??”

I believe it stems from a disrespect of the Caribbean. Philanthropy my ass. Stanford was the first American to be knighted by Antigua and Barbuda, his adopted home. He has stated before that he would like to stop the brain drain from the Caribbean to first-world countries, bolster tourism and protect the region’s culture among other things. Bullshit.

Antigua and Barbuda has no SEC, or any kind of serious regulation framework to govern the activities of Stanford. Even if they did, the “he’s a good white man” syndrome would prevent them from doing anything. Stanford knows this and took advantage of it. He really doesn’t give a fuck about Cricket. It was a whole PR-scheme, which apparently he is very good at.

Stanford becomes another rich man to fall from grace in recent times. Madoff (fraud), Trump (bankruptcy), Duprey (bankruptcy), Merckle (suicide).

Ofcourse the timing of Stanford’s antics is poor, at best. His assets are now frozen, and with owning and controlling banks in the Caribbean and Latin America, he has now brought a mini-recession effect to these regions…

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Please STFU About this “Hero Pilot”

February 12, 2009 at 6:37 pm (news, Rants) (, , , )

Are Americans hero-obsessed?

Chesley Sullenberger, the pilot who pulled off a very difficult landing of a commercial airliner in the Hudson River when his plane went down, thus saving the lives of all crew and passengers, is truly a remarkably person to do something like that.

But how long are we going to dwell on this? Firstly, did it ever cross anyone’s mind that Mr. Sullenberger was actually saving his own ass?? Its not like he Chuck Norris’d and jumped off the plane in a parachute with all the passengers in one arm or something, he himself was in a dangerous situation, he did something difficult out of desperation, and just happened to save the 156 people seated behind him. I mean really unless he’s some sort of nihilist, suicidal, glass-is-half-empty person, he really had no other option but to try to land the plane there to atleast save himself. ANYONE in that situation (except that nihilist, suicidal person) would have tried to land the plane safely. So really is all the attention and media obsession necessary?

Here we are like a month later with talks about a book deal, him being on the Morning Show, Letterman, a movie, a VIDEO GAME, keys to the city…and the list goes on.

I know Bush has messed things up and the world economy is frightening , but its sad to see people grasping at straws of “good news” and just going fuckin gaga over it. What’s next? Will I be a hero for leaving the door open for someone behind me?

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Obama’s Friendships

February 12, 2009 at 12:15 am (Barack Obama, news) (, , , , , , )

Whether you like him or not, you have to agree President Obama has a problem picking friends. Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Farrakhan, Rezko, his wife…he just seems to be a magnet for them.

We’re all quite familar with all those associations, but not many people know that Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s trusted Chief of Staff, has a lot of dirt on him as a friend too.

Old Rahm happens to be a former Israeli soldier and son of a member of an Israeli terrorist organization, called Irgun. And by terrorist I mean defined-by-the-UN as terrorist.

Here he is in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell talking about his ties with Israel, saying Israel will “have a friend in the White House“.

And disturbing of them all is this article where the Israeli author basically touts around how down for Israel Rahm Emanuel is :

“Obama chose Emanuel to escort him to a closed-door meeting with leaders of the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC, in June, a day after the final Democratic primaries.”

“Obviously, he’ll influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to be mopping floors at the White House.”

Now being Obama’s longtime friend, political associate and now top adviser, how would the clear-as-day-in-the-tank-for-Israel-110% Rahm influence the foreign policy of the United States? How could he possibly ever suggest anything other than the total destruction of the Palestinian Authority?

So great the world has gone from a Christian extremist who believes God told him to go forth and be responsible for the deaths of some 600,000 Iraqis, to a Jewish extremist who is far more cunning and is the guy whispering in the ear of the most powerful man in the world :

Dude I told you to nuke the Gaza strip by tonight I have a Bar Mitzvah to attend

"Dude I told you to nuke the Gaza strip by tonight I have a Bar Mitzvah to attend"

Something really is GRAVELY WRONG with Barack Obama’s choice of friends, or with fucking Barack Obama himself.

John McCain had it right all along : “That’s not change we can believe in“.

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Trinifever Finale

February 10, 2009 at 6:51 pm (Uncategorized)

I probably talk too much about this, and its a new year etc, but I really couldn’t help it this time. Even if I never spoke about Trinifever I would have talked about their current situation for sure

Turns out the identity of “agent22” has been confirmed, the arrogant fool behind the idea of paying for stolen naked pictures of random people at http://www.trinifever.net and its spin off, http://www.triniexposed.net.
His name is Mr. Vishan Beharry from south Trinidad

Pic 1 ¦ Pic 2 ¦ Pic 3 ¦ Pic 4

There he is bluffing and trying to pass off his own picture as someone else

For months he has been “exposing” women on his pathetic bullshit site which he alone took so seriously because apparently he always wanted to run a treehouse club when he was a child.

The ‘exposer’ now has been exposed

Look at him. Should I even say anything? It would be overkill. I think I’ve seen this pervert loser in UWI a few times wandering around by himself like the freak the entire Internet is now privy to witnessing that he is.

He is literally on the run as we speak as countless former members of trinifever have actually been scammed out of their money, as he took “verification fees” from them without giving them anything. Those are just the business liabilities. The comedy begins when you consider the relatives and friends of all the people in the pictures of which good ole Vishan has released on the Internet, in his own little way of doing business. All I can think about is IF. If for some strange, unfortunate reason one of the pics Mr. Vishan sold/released was of someone that concerns me, what I would do. I’ve lost flashkeys, cell phones, a laptop – common ways of getting such pics in the first place. It would truly make me disrespect him even more, for the very least.

The laughs  continue as trinifever.net is now officially defunct. His spinoff, triniexposed.net has also failed miserably as well and is not online anymore as far as I know.

A new site, trinilime.net is now used, albeit for the same unscrupulous purpose, but atleast without the involvement of no doubt the Douchebag of the Year (In Trinidad and Tobago) for 2008 : Vishan Beharry

What can you say now, “agent”?

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