Final Thoughts on US Election – Barack Obama and John McCain

November 4, 2008 at 4:37 am (Life, Politics) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )

In 15 minutes from the start of me posting this, November 4th will have arrived, and Americans will go to the polls to choose a president between either John McCain or Barack Obama. I do not support neither of them.

John McCain has run one of the most pathetic, transparently-fake campaigns I’ve ever seen. His policies are made up of the traditional Republican garbage : war, bravado, pander to the rich, no abortion, pander to the Jews (repeatedly saying he won’t “allow another Holocaust” in an interview with O’Reilly), race-baiting, fear-mongering, cast guilt by association, numerous desperate moves, etc. Not to mention he’s been beating the “I’ve been a POW and fought in Vietnam” thing to death in this life, its afterlife and in an alternate universe. He’s just sad and boring. Not to mention his clear-as-day reverse-sexist move of adding some random woman from Alaska as his running mate. McCain and the GOP can say what they want about Palin being a reformer, experienced, etc….the truth is that McCain simply picked Palin to attact disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters, nothing more, nothing less, and the simplicity of that move was enough to completely turn me off from his ticket since then. So for me, I would not vote for him.

Barack Obama on the other hand is full of shit, a total conman. His “change you can believe in” is nothing but pretty words and stupid policies. Tax the rich, handouts to the poor, wow is this Robin Hood? The Rev. Wright thing should have been his end. His healthcare plan is bullshit, and proves how ignorant he is because obviously Hillary Clinton’s Universal health plan is better for everyone, but he refuses to replace his plan with hers. He also refused to even vet her as a VP candidate…the person who got more votes than him in the primary stages of the nomination race. The only reason he’s politically alive right now and not in the ranks of someone like Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul is because people are still mesmerized (after 4 years) by the fact that he’s Black and carries himself confidently like all the established White politicians that we know of (Kennedy, Reagan, etc) and gives good speeches. Maybe its because he frequently borrows entire paragraphs from their greatest speeches. As Clinton herself said, that’s not change we can believe in, that’s change you can Xerox. His associations with Wright, etc are frightening, but I refuse to believe he’s some kinda terrorist, radical, racist madman as Sean Hannity would want us to believe…he’s just a user. He used Wright to establish himself in the black community in Chicago, he may have used Khalid Al-Mansour to help him pay for college, he used ACORN to make himself appear as a champion of the working class, just like he used (and later discarded) Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, to get a crash course on national security. Ofcourse we don’t hear much about that because ole Zbigniew isn’t Black or crazy like his other associations, but thats what I think he is, a user, which obviously isn’t as frightening, but a cause for concern regardless. In summary, his character is questionable, with a ton of unanswered questions, his policies are shit, his record is shit, why vote for him? Because he has a cute smile and could make a good narrator or motivational speaker?

The media will have you believe that this race is all over, but I beg to differ. The whole world is in for a rude awakening. If you add the margin of error with the undecided votes, not to mention factoring in that nasty Bradley effect, Obama will LOSE most or all of the toss-up states. A 51%-40% national poll doesn’t mean shit.

We can only wait and see I guess. Either way the end result is either :

4 years of McCain, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews gets slapped in the face. MSNBC will probably air a marathon of “Lockup” on November 5th because none of their “reporters” AKA Obama operatives would be able to face the screen to say a damn fucking thing other than cry their eyes out. Palin as comic relief here and there for 4 years, with Hillary Clinton contesting and winning for the nomination in 2012.


4-8 years of Obama, with MSNBC being the new FOX News during the Bush years, with PALIN contesting, maybe winning, and maybe WINNING THE PRESIDENCY in 2012 because Obama fucked up, plausibly due to his inexperience in running anything. The end of the world.


4-8 years of Obama. Real change we can believe in. Roses and butterflies wherever you walk. Eternal joy and happiness.

I seriously prefer scenario 1. Lets see what happens.

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Sarah Palin Sex Appeal

September 24, 2008 at 2:26 pm (Politics) (, , , , , , , , )

Why do I get excited to see Sarah Palin? She’s obviously an airhead who should just continue being the Governor of Alaska. Her lack of experience is incommensurate with her apparent drive to “reform”, “shake things up in Washington” and perform as either the VP or President of the US. She repeats a multitude of the same sentences from her first speech at the Republican National Convention like she’s some sort of idiot that doesn’t know the media will pick up on it. Its almost as if she has nothing else to talk about other than kiss McCain’s ass calling him a maverick or the stupid “bridge to nowhere” shit that noone cares about. “Thanks but no thanks”..for being a fricking parrot..

But dammit, she’s hot. A damn runner-up for Miss Alaska 1984 and former news reporter (they’re all hot these days) for crying out loud.

Sarah and Todd Palin
Sarah and Todd Palin

She fits the perfect image of the kinky schoolteacher. The smile, hair, glasses, and the infinite skirt suits emit some sort of sex appeal that could probably be that wee little instrument of diplomacy America was missing all along in finally getting Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad to ditch their nuke programs. No wonder McCain always hugs her when they give speeches together, he just can’t get enough of her.

Forget logic and true judge of character and records, the true question that faces American voters, if at all the VP choice is a factor in their choice of candidates, is whether they prefer the occasional prospective VP Joe Biden gaffe for comic relief or staring at and fantasizing over the “VPILF” Sarah Palin

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A Video Portrait of Barack Obama

June 24, 2008 at 5:09 am (Barack Obama, Entertainment, Misc, Politics) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Please see this video here :

Video Portrait of Barack Obama

Very damaging. John Edwards really bashed him at that debate…ofcourse that was never covered by the 527 political action committees AKA the mass media.

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*Breaking News* – Obama’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Speak at 9AM ET

April 28, 2008 at 3:12 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , )

Yes there will be a live speech of the ever so colorful Rev. Jeremiah Wright at 9 AM ET. See at LIVE…(hehehe)..on MSNBC or see it soon posted up on :
This is his second speech in 2 days. One was addressing the NAACP which interesting, clips from it are making waves on cable news channels now…more about this later 🙂

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